[Spambayes] 500 Server error training in the web interface.

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Sep 24 01:46:23 EDT 2003

> After using the web interface for more or less time this message shows
> up when pressing the train button. If I refresh the message is not 
> there anymore. When the error first has occurred it seems to repeat 
> itself until I restart the SpamBayes server.

As you've hopefully seen via my earlier post/the tracker, this bug is
now fixed in cvs.

> Another problem I encountered is that my mail program will 
> hang if I try to post a ham message to 
> spambayes_ham at localhost with the id option turned on and the 
> ham message doesn't have an id in its headers (because it was 
> received before I installed Spambayes).

It shouldn't do (it doesn't for me).  Do you get the "Could not find id"
error message in the console?  Do you get a traceback?

What mail program are you using on what platform?

=Tony Meyer

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