[Spambayes] Classification not always added to the header: The Plot Thickens

Lanny Trager ltrag at optonline.net
Mon Sep 8 18:24:48 EDT 2003

On Monday 08 September 2003 17:03, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Lanny> This morning though, after regenerating the ini file by saving
>     Lanny> the config page, I did not shutdown and restart.
> That would do it.  Most apps only read their config files at startup.  Many
> Unix daemons will reload their configs or restart when sent a HUP signal. 
> I suppose pop3proxy's web interface could grow a "reload configuration
> file" button if it doesn't already have one.
> Skip


Shortly after responding to you I got another spam and it was not classified 
and did not show up on the Review page. 

What differentiated this one from others is that it was addressed to: 
me at machine.myispPOP.net (an old alias at my ISP that for me at least 
guarantees that it is spam) as opposed to others which go to me at myispPOP.net

Now, where the plot thickens is that other spams to this alias address have 
been classified by SpamBayes and have showed up on the Review page.

This was after I had restarted SpamBayes and it had been working fine.

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