[Spambayes] Re: Install problem: conflict between Python versions using Mandrake 9.1

Parzival Herzog parz at shaw.ca
Wed Oct 29 12:32:00 EST 2003

Thank you Brendan,

I found that my problem was my Windows prejudice  (as I suspected) .
The "PYTHON" variable should have been lower case, a distinction that
does not matter in the Windows world, (and lower case environment variables
are not the norm in the unix world either!). So, by fixing that I got the 
install to work, ran and configured the proxy server, and things appear to
work as documented.

I am now trying to set up the server to start automatically, and I again
am  confronting my (Windows conditioned) prejudices. I can't seem to be able
to put a startup link in my .kde startup directory that will (a) establish the
working directory (so that sb_server.py finds its .ini file), and (b) run in a 
terminal window that doesn't disappear when the program ends with a
problem, so that I can read the python traceback or whatever is the
failure symptom. The properties dialog for an application link has no help 
information, and so far neither the KDE docs, nor Google has provided
any further useful info. I actually suspect that using the .kde startup
method is not a good solution, as I would want the sb_server to run, 
regardless of the desktop environment selected.

> If you have trouble getting it to work with Python2.3 send me a private
> email and I'll try to help!
> > configured my .bash_profile with

> >
> > PYTHON=`which python2.3`
> > export PYTHON
> >
> > The result is that in a bash shell PYTHON is defined:
> >
> > [parz at ---- parz]$ env | grep PYTHON
> > PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python2.3

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