[Spambayes] Upgrading python

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Oct 21 17:40:40 EDT 2003

> I tried to convert the hammie.db file using db_expimp.py on a 
> Python 2.2 installation; however, this failed with an error message.

Do you recall what the error message was?

> Since I cannot wait (I need to check my mail after all, and 
> the spam volume is too great to do this manually) I have started\
> with a fresh SpamBayes; I will just have to live with a few
> unsure messages for a while. But I think this at 
> least deserves a mention in the documentation as I would 
> probably have been able to export my DB before upgrading had I
> known this.

Where would you say the best place for this would be?  (i.e. where do you
think you would have found it?)  The FAQ?  The README?  The downloads page?

=Tony Meyer

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