[Spambayes] I always seem to have one spam that arrivies at 0%

Troy Hoshor troy at watercascades.com
Sat Oct 18 16:37:21 EDT 2003

Apologies in advance if this has been asked before....
But I am having a recurring problem with SpamBayes, and I wanted to
check with other users before reporting it as a bug.
It seems that, whether I recieve 1 spam or 15, that the one at the top
of my Inbox (ie most recent) is always evaluated as 0%.  The words
"penis enlargement pills and vicadin click here" could be plastered all
over it and it will still evaluate to 0% when logically it should
evaluate to 100% or something similar.
This is not a problem of unrecognized spam (I have over 1000 in my
"Spam" folder) but that the automatically-selected "first" spam in my
Inbox is always evaluated to 0% no matter what the content.
Has anyone here experienced anything similar?  I am using SpamBayes
Outlook Addin vs. 0.81, I get my mail through a Microsoft Exhange
Server, and I'm also using Windows XP.
-Troy Hoshor

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