[Spambayes] Suggestion/Help offer

Dejonghe, Manuel Manuel.Dejonghe at cycos.com
Fri Oct 17 19:56:07 EDT 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig Bateman [mailto:cbateman at lmltechnologies.com] 
> Sent: Samstag, 18. Oktober 2003 00:07
> To: spambayes at python.org
> Subject: [Spambayes] Suggestion/Help offer
> I'm using the spambayes plugin for outlook, and while I find 
> it's a very
> good tool, it seems to lack the ability to "whitelist" & 
> "blacklist" certain
> addresses, in particular, I'd like to whitelist anything that comes in
> through my corporate exchange email to remain in my inbox, 
> regardless of what it is.

First of all (and just for fun): If you corporate email looks that much
like spam, you may have a look at the local help-wanted ads in
newspapers  ;-)

> Is this a limitation of spambayes in general or 
> just the plugin?

There is a very nifty workaround (especially with outlook) to do your

find the option "filter timer" in the advanced tab of your
spambayes-manager (in the dropdown-menu from the spambayes toolbar). If
you set up a delay of 2 seconds and an interval of one second, outlook
is capabale to apply a mailbox rule on this item. This is how I'm doing
for some talkative (but important) mailing lists. move them to another
inbox-subfolder (they will be kept "unread" and a blue counter will
notify you).

> If the former, are there any plans to do something like this?

Why should it ? This workaround is just nice. I don't think spambayes
should do something else than bayesian filter.

> I am also a pseudo-skilled python developer, I use it strictly for
> automating processes at work (such as code check-out, build, in-house
> deployment to multiple locations, etc.).  If you're in the market for
> another developer and have some specific tasks in mind that 
> need to be done,
> I'm may be able to help.  Let me know.

I'm pretty sure the actual developers will do ;-)

nice weekend to everyone, Manuel

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