[Spambayes] notate_subject

Adam Henry hank at marinar.com
Fri Oct 17 11:53:39 EDT 2003

On Fri, Oct 17, 2003 at 12:17:28PM +1300, Tony Meyer wrote:
> Hmm.  What happens if you use the web interface (sb_server.py) to set this
> option intead?  What do you end up with in your config file?  Note that you
> shouldn't use ", " as the separator - it's guessing that " " is the
> separator, and that the comma is part of the first two items.  Use " " *or*
> ",", not both.  This might be the problem, although I suspect not.  The web
> interface should get it right, anyway.

Thanks.  Using spaces as the delimiter doesn't produce an error.

> > If I run this with "notate_subject:" set to just "unsure", I 
> > don't get this error, but the subject isn't modified.  Does 
> > this only work with the POP3 Proxy?
> Sorry, yes.  Why do you need to use it if you aren't using the POP3 proxy?
> It's really better if you use a header instead.

I need both pop3 and imap to get this spam filtering working in a
production environment.  Since the imap proxy is not recommended for
such use (I'm not sure about the stability of the pop3 proxy), I need
to implement a solution that doesn't rely on these servers.  One that
I am thinking about is just using an Exim router/transport much like
the Procmail setup, and Courier IMAP to upload Spam/Ham to folders
which are examined by a Cron script.

While it may be better to use a header instead, I still need Subject
modification for quick spam identification, and my clients have come
to expect this (the same clients that don't know what an email header
is).  Believe me: I don't enjoy the idea of modifying an
existing header either, but it would be a task too daunting to
re-educate everyone.

> Note that there's a bug tracker open with a summary something like
> "hammie.py adds headers differently to other apps".  When that's closed
> (which could be a wee way off), then this will also be resolved.

What happened to hammie.py?  Is it distributed separate from the
main archive, now?  I plan to use sb_filter.py for Exim/Procmail, and
sb_mboxtrain.py for Cron to learn from spam/ham examples.  Regardless,
you're saying that there's an open ticket which would fix my dilemma?
Iff true, this alone would allow me to switch from SA to SB.  Learning
Python seems like fun, maybe I'll idle the devel list and see if there's
anything I can do to help.

I greatly appreciate your assistance, Tony.  Have a great weekend.


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