[Spambayes] 'Connection timed out' problems

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Oct 15 19:21:46 EDT 2003

> My question is then, can this timeout setting be monitored 
> for, or maybe a larger delay set 'somewhere'? I don't even know
> if this is a problem in Python so not something you can directly
> address. I have seen this question asked recently (Aug 23rd), but
> I can't track down any answers to it.

I remember that, and I think you're right and it hasn't been addressed yet.
Would you be able to open a bug on sourceforge
<http://sf.net/projects/spambayes> with the details?  That way it will
definitely be done at some point (sometimes things just get lost in the list

There's definitely something that can be done about it - I would think that
we should be able to catch the exception and restart the connection (passing
along an error to the mail client), if nothing else.  I think (but am not
sure; Richie would know) that we can only change the timeout if the user has
Python 2.3, but if that's the case, then we could offer it when it's

=Tony Meyer

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