[Spambayes] Using AutoRead with Spambayes

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Mon Oct 13 00:36:26 EDT 2003

> Thanks for the info.  I know that you've added a feature request for
> disabling the email icon in Outlook if the message received is
> classified as spam (thanks for that), but in the meantime, 
> could you add
> a custom line to the mail header when the message is 
> classified as spam?
> Simply adding an "X-Text-Classification=spam" and
> "X-Text-Classification=possible_spam" would do the trick and allow my
> AutoRead custom action to work properly.

I see no reason we can't add this as a disabled-by-default option.  However,
we should do it properly, allowing the headers to be "fully specified" - ie,
we should consider adding the complete set of headers the proxy does.

Please open a feature request at sourceforge (and I doubt I will find the
time in the short term)

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