[Spambayes] Using AutoRead with Spambayes

Chris Dellario cdellario at whatif-productions.com
Thu Oct 9 15:42:28 EDT 2003

I paid for a nifty Outlook custom action plugin that not only marks an
email as "Read" but also does not cause the display of the envelope icon
on my taskbar.  Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to use this plugin
with Spambayes.  I used POPFile in the past, and was able to set an
Outlook rule to find a custom header line added by POPFile, but it
doesn't look like Spambayes adds anything to the header.  Does it?  I
wish I could set a rule that would always run AutoRead on any message in
my "Spam" and "Possible Spam" folders, but Outlook won't let me.  



Chris Dellario

Lead Engineer

Whatif Productions LLC


(617) 977-0115


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