[Spambayes] copying db to other computer? ; 2 ini files

AndreasK services at AndreasK.de
Wed Oct 8 23:44:20 EDT 2003


Thanks for the VERY quick answer.

> > Is there any problem in just copying the files
> >  default_bayes_database.db (5,112 KB)
> >  default_message_database.db (168 KB)
> > to another computer with another Outlook?
> This should work fine.  You will obviously lose the 
> ability to "untrain" on any messages, 
on ANY messages? Really?

But if I then train with more ham/spam (after copying), 
those trainings can be undone, can't they?

> but the rest should work fine.
Very good. I am just testing it - and it seems to work.

What is strange, though, is that the filesize of the 
default_bayes_database.db hasn't changed at all,
even after more training on machine-2, it stays at 5,112 KB.

> > default_bayes_customize.ini
> The one in your personal directory is the relevant one.  
I suspected so.

> The problem is that one "program" directory is used to support 
> multiple users.  The first time SpamBayes is run for a user, 
> we copy the .INI file from the program directory 
> [...]
> As we use a dumb file-copy, 
Here's the solution:

Do a copy+rename instead of dumb-copy with this one file.
call it default_bayes_customize.ini in one place
and personal_bayes_customize.ini in the other.
Or original_bayes_customize.ini and bayes_customize.ini

> A note in the docs would be good, 
> I agree - please suggest where  :)

I don't know where, because I learnt about that option
 replace_nonascii_chars: False
here on this mailinglist, not in the manual.

>  * Users shouldn't have to do anything with those .ini files 
> anyway; they can change all their options via the GUI in 
> Outlook, which is much safer.
I'd agree on that, if (and only if) there were a GUI option
for  replace_nonascii_chars: False/True, but there is none.

thanks anyway, program works fine.

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