[Spambayes] (no subject)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Wed Oct 8 23:03:06 EDT 2003

> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "hammie.py", line 263, in ?
>     import hammiebulk
>   File "/usr/src/spambayes-1.0a6/spambayes/hammiebulk.py", 
> line 71, in ?
>     SPAM_THRESHOLD = options.spam_cutoff
> AttributeError: 'OptionsClass' object has no attribute 'spam_cutoff'

This is a bug.  I've checked in a fix for it just now (no idea how it was
missed before) - change lines 71 and 72 of hammiebulk.py from:
SPAM_THRESHOLD = options.spam_cutoff
HAM_THRESHOLD = options.ham_cutoff
SPAM_THRESHOLD = options["Categorization", "spam_cutoff"]
HAM_THRESHOLD = options["Categorization", "ham_cutoff"]
and that should fix it.

> Before when II tried it last night, it worked fine.

Why it worked then, I don't know.  Presumably you were doing something
slightly different (i.e. maybe there wasn't any training, or wasn't any
classification to be done).

=Tony Meyer

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