[Spambayes] Spam Bayes questions

Ed Reggi mail at edreggi.com
Tue Nov 25 11:03:17 EST 2003

I LOVE your software!  I am using the Outlook Add-in.  I am running Win2k
with Outlook 2000.  I have been using your SpamBayes since June and find it
to be excellent.  I really have no problems until yesterday.

I added several new .PST folders in my Outlook tree.  I did that to better
organize my 4 different domain email accounts.  Here is the problem, SPAM is
indeed marked as Spam (100%) but is no longer moved over to the original
SPAM folder in my original Personal Folder PST.

Does SpamBayes not like cross moving from PST to PST folders?

Must I start over and retrain the whole thing?

Any suggestions or assistance would be nice!

Thank you,
Ed Reggi
mail at edreggi.com

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