[Spambayes] 1.0a6 and Norton antivirus

Tom Peters tpeters at mixcom.com
Tue Nov 25 01:16:56 EST 2003

After upgrading to 1.0a7, I still have this issue: Everything works fine 
and SpamBayes seems to classify messages properly, BUT all outbound 
messages are cranked through Norton anti virus twice each. So I went back 
to my approach, using ports 3025 and 3110. Works fine.

At 12:36 AM 11/7/2003 -0600, Tom Peters wrote:
>I had oddness with 1.0a5 and a6 and Norton antivirus under win2000 and XP. 
>Once I got it configured, Norton would process each and every message 
>twice. Once it dawned on me that it had hooked into ports 25 and 110 on 
>its own, was processing each message, then passing them on to "real" ports 
>25 and 110, I changed ports.
>I had Eudora Pro talk to ports 3025 and 3110 (chosen arbitrarily) and set 
>SpamBayes to proxy them to/from 25 and 110.
>Behaves very nicely now. Eudora can be told from command line which ini 
>file to look at for settings, so I can start it proxied or direct, 
>depending which icon I pick. Since I got it working with 1.0a5, I've never 
>used to non-proxied icon again.
>Any problems with this approach?
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>tpeters at nospam.mixcom.com (internet)  remove "nospam." N9QQB (ham)
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tpeters at nospam.mixcom.com (internet)  remove "nospam." N9QQB (ham)
"HEY YOU" (loud shouting)  WEB ADDRESS http//www.mixweb.com/tpeters
43 7' 17.2" N, by 88¸ 6' 28.9" W,  Elevation 815',  Grid Square EN53wc
WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, Cisco Certified CCNA

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