[Spambayes] Help! Can't install 1.0a7, blew up previous install of a6

Tom Peters tpeters at mixcom.com
Tue Nov 25 00:43:14 EST 2003

I have it working now--- I think. At least all the scripts run during 
install, and the proxy service starts up again. Turns out I was a little 
unclear on the concept, installation-wise. Unzipping the archive results in 
some scripts you shouldn't run- you should run one of them and then chdir 
over to the python directory before running the rest of them. Things are 
somewhat improved now.


At 08:48 PM 11/24/2003 -0500, papaDoc wrote:
>Hi Tom,
>Looking more closely at the error and with the new info. I think you are 
>missing the database.
>I'm not sure but I think version 1.0a6 and 1.0a7 have different name for 
>the database or where
>it is save. (I'm not sure since I'm always using the latest CVS version).
>Can you clean up/move to a safe location  the old version of spambayes.
>c:\Documents and Settings\your_user_name\Application Data\Spambayes
>Check if there is any file ending in ".ini" where you have version 1.0a7.
>Then reinstall version 1.0a7 not in the same directory as where 1.0a6 was.
>>Python as installed on my machine signs on as
>>Python 2.3 (#46, Jul 29 2003, 18:54:32) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
>>>>   File "D:\PROGRAMS\PYTHON\lib\bsddb\__init__.py", line 162, in hashopen
>>>>     d.open(file, db.DB_HASH, flags, mode)
>>>>bsddb._db.DBNoSuchFileError: (2, 'No such file or directory')
>>>>Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'MessageInfoDB' object has no 
>>>>attribute 'db'" in <bound method MessageInfoDB.__del__ of 
>>>><spambayes.message.MessageInfoDB object at 0x00A57590>> ignored

[Computing] Stroustroup writes in the ARM: C programmers think that
memory allocation is too important to be left to the computer, Lisp
programmers think that memory allocation is too important to be left
to the programmer.
--... ...--  -.. .  -. ----. --.- --.- -...
tpeters at nospam.mixcom.com (internet)  remove "nospam." N9QQB (ham)
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