[Spambayes] Re: pop3 culler

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Sat Nov 22 21:16:43 EST 2003

Last week I asked about a 'spam culler' which would sit on my NT box 
is up 24hrs/day) and check and remove spam and viruses in my POP3 
This helps reduce the amount of mail I get on my laptop, which is 
helpful when traveling and have only occasional, slow network access.

I have written it and works fine for my needs.  It just sits in a loop,
connects to my accounts, runs some tests (from and subject whitelists,
spam and virus checks) and performs the appropriate actions.  It then
waits a bit before doing it again.  It's been doing a great job the last
couple of days, and has culled about 6 spams an hour and a "virus" every
two hours.  (My definition of a virus is any executable attachments.)

As per Richie Hindle's request, I've put it on the SB wiki, at

Note that it's designed for programmers; to configure it you will have
to tweak code.

					dalke at dalkescientific.com

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