[Spambayes] Incoming email alerts...

Berson, Brad Brad.Berson at abc.com
Fri Nov 21 17:37:24 EST 2003

Hi, I just began trying out the SpamBayes Outlook plug-in.  Great product!!!  I'm very grateful for software like this.  I use Vamsoft's Open Relay Filter on my Exchange box but even with a half-dozen DNSBLs it's not even 90% effective.

The documented problem of not being able to squash the incoming email notification when an email is routed to the junk e-mail folder is something that interests me because of the frequency of the junk coming in, sometimes close to 100 a day.

There's a product called Qurb which according to what I've read, may have gotten around this obstacle somehow.  I have not evaluated it because whitelist solutions do not interest me.  Just thought you folks might want to check that out.

Thanks for the hard work.

Brad Berson

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