[Spambayes] pop3 culler

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Nov 16 23:05:29 EST 2003

> Thus, I want to set up a cull script on my
> NT box which connects to my POP3 account and removes
> any and all high scoring spam and emails which have
> MS Windows executable attachements, except those
> which meet some simple whitelist criteria.

> I did not find mention of this case in the FAQ nor
> in my review of the SB code did I see any existing
> program which could handle it.  Does such a beast
> exist or should I look into writing one myself?  If
> the latter, what's a good starting point?

The only thing I would add to Richie's comments is that if your connection
from the NT box is slow or expensive, then you could get it to do this based
on header analysis only (it's simple enough to add an option to sb_server to
get it to analyse on TOP instead of RETR).  The archives for this list and
the -dev one have various messages about the results from header-only
analysis, but basically (and of course, YMMV) I personally found that it
tended to be good enough for this sort of task, and nicely conservative
(tending to leave spam, rather than remove ham).

=Tony Meyer

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