[Spambayes] Site level protection

Kenny Pitt kennypitt at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 4 15:22:18 EST 2003

Jacques B. Siboni wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am pretty happy since i installed spambayes on our linux machine
> (RedHat 
> 7.3). I have installed it at a user based level.
> Now I want to install it at the site/domain  level to filter all of
> the incoming mails whose email addresses are xxxxx at lutecium.org.
> I suppose this problem has already been solved but I could not find
> the info in the archives.
> Could you give me directions to solve this.
> mailers are sendmail, procmail, smtp

SpamBayes does have a filter program that you could probably get set up
in this environment, but the results might not be exactly what you hoped
for since SpamBayes uses a very "personalized" approach to filtering.
This is covered in "6.2 Are there plans to develop a server-side
SpamBayes solution?" of the FAQ at

If you decide to go ahead and set this up, you can find some info on
using SpamBayes with Procmail at http://entrian.com/sbwiki/SbFilter.
I'm not a Unix user, so I'm not sure where to point you for more help
with sendmail or smtp setup.

Kenny Pitt

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