[Spambayes] Problem with outlook2000

Spinelli Giulio Giulio.Spinelli at italtel.it
Fri May 30 14:52:40 EDT 2003


I've installed a binary version but  

When I start Outlook, there is no Anti-Spam item in the toolbar.  To resolve
I've performed the following steps: 
Start Outlook, and select Tools->Options to display the main Options dialog.

Select the tab labelled Other, then click on the Advanced button. 
Click on the COM Add-Ins button. 
The SpamBayes addin is listed but not checked, then simply check it and
close the dialog. 

Up to here is fine but reopening the dialog with the COM Add-Ins button 
the SpamBayes addin is listed but not checked again !!!!

I've tried many and many times with different operation-sequences but still
it is not possible to have the addin checked.

I'm using NT o.s. and  SpamBayes is the only pligin in the list.

I think that is a problem of OutlookSetup, can you help me to manage it ?

Regards Giulio.

P.S. Sorry for the English but it is not my mothertongue and I live in

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