[Spambayes] sharing wordlists - better numbers

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue May 27 11:21:39 EDT 2003

    Brad> Do Skip and Alex have a small std deviation in their virtual
    Brad> group? ;-)
    >> I realize there's a smiley, but what do you mean by "virtual group"?

    Alex> Well, I can't speak for Skip, but my group of virtual friends are
    Alex> a pretty deviant lot.  Not prone to being standard. ;-)

Oh, I see.  I doubt my virtual group of online friends is all that typical
either.  By taking an intersection of what we consider to be hammy and
spammy words, I think we'll converge on a fairly innocuous set of words.  In
any case, this would just be for a starter database.  People could
presumably do one of three things:

    * ignore it altogether - start from scratch

    * start with it and build from there

    * start with it, then subtract it off after awhile

In the last item "subtract" might be either a gradual or quick thing.


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