[Spambayes] SpamBayes installer improvement suggestions

Peets phobos at pobox.com
Fri May 23 19:01:42 EDT 2003

Wonderful job, simply wonderful.

Firstly, Thanks 8-).  This is code well done, simple, effective, just
doing the job.

Secondly, after installing it I have basically one remark to make: the
installation sequence might improve if you change the order of events

At the moment you document  Install - set up folders - train - set up
filters - enable filters (not clearly, but that's what it boils down to).
I'm leaving aside an option for creating the folders from within the
installer (gets too complicated ;-).  For end users, installation is
probably more logical in the following order:

1) create folders
2) [start installer] Set source/spam/possible spam folders
3) Offer filtering settings, default to 'enabled'
4) Train
5) Filter
6) End with instructions (verify spam/unsure folders and act, synchronise
with server etc)

This leaves the installation with SpamBayes up and running.  At the
moment, post training there is a confusing gap before filtering comes into
play.  You can document that to a degree, but streamlining the process
will probably make it easier to document (I'm happy to do it for you if
that's of any help, but the last time I coded it was in raw machine code
on a Psion Organiser II ;-).

That's all.  Did I say Thank You ?  ;-)

Regards,   /// Peter ///

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