[Spambayes] /.?

bill parducci bill at parducci.net
Thu May 22 08:30:49 EDT 2003

would something like this help?


i can clean it up, but for now i just grabbed a few of the latest 
support questions/answers for posterity.  i can continue to do so if 
others think it will help slow the postings. (i can e-mail updates to 
someone with access to the site if that works...)


Skip Montanaro wrote:
> I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, but what would we do if we
> got slashdotted?  I'll try to get the auto-reply text updated this evening.
> Please have a look at
>     http://spambayes.sf.net/reply.txt
> and give me feedback.  The only feedback I received so far was about the XP
> comment.  I'd appreciate some help in the Windows section.  That's clearly
> where we are going to get the most hits.
> I'm also working on some platform-specific web pages.  I'll try to make
> initial versions available on the website this evening without links.  I'll
> send URLs out when something's available for review.
> Skip
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