[Spambayes] Training via IMAP Filter

bill parducci bill at parducci.net
Tue May 20 21:55:28 EDT 2003

Meyer, Tony wrote:

> Let's face it; IMAP is a really ugly, poorly designed protocol.  (Not
> that I'm claiming I could do a better job ;).

actually, you probably could ;-)

this may be a dumb question, but having watched a number of you struggle 
with the IMAP protocol, i have wondered why IMAP be addressed directly 
at all? in my little [shady and deranged] world, the IMAP server is part 
& parcel with the SMTP server (sendmail in this case). wouldn't it be 
easier to address this at the SMTP level (via procmail, etc.) then try 
to take on the IMAP black hole? it would seem that as long as users can 
be trained as to what the spam folder is and to leave ham in the INBOX 
for 24 hours (unless you can kick off retaining via e-mail), that this 
would would be conducive to spambayes operations (provided you had the 
disk space to handle the hammiedbs).

am i missing something significant here? is the goal to move evaluation 
(and (hammiedbs) to the client workstations?


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