[Spambayes] Spam overload

bill parducci bill at parducci.net
Mon May 19 18:13:37 EDT 2003

Meyer, Tony wrote:
> I'm not sure what you would do with it once it was classified, though.
> Move it from the user's folder to some admin folder?  Just mark it like
> the POP3 proxy does?  

the latter would be the only workable solution i think. one of the nice 
things about that approach would be that user's who chose not to 
participate in (or were ignorant of) the process would get mail normally 
(just a little subject tweaking here and there). additionally, users of 
other client mail programs could take advantage of the system as well 
(e.g. in this situation if the exchange servers had POP3 or imap access 
enabled for *IX users).

> The plugin would really do a much nicer job, as
> long as it can be installed for all the users.

i want that service contract! :)

> (To clarify, the SMTP proxy currently allows a user to forward/bounce a
> message to either a train-as-ham or train-as-spam address.  It extracts
> a unique spambayes id from the message, gets the appropriate message
> from the POP3 proxy cache, and trains on it.  All other mail is simply
> passed through.  I've got written (but untested and uncomitted) a
> version that will allow operation in a similar mode, but train on the
> actual message forwarded/bounced, rather than using the POP3 proxy
> cache, but that still wouldn't help here).

would be interesting to see what it would take to make it work. i'm not 
familiar with the details of your unpublished stuff, but at first blush 
it seem like you would need:

* a 'salt' hammiedb for each user

* two system mail accounts (e.g. spam@[mydomain] or ham@[mydoamin])

* a procmail[-like] recipe (james mailet, etc.) to initiate hammiefilter 
against appropriate hammiedb (based upon TO address)

* a procmail[-like] recipe (james mailet, etc.) to initiate mboxtrain 
against appropriate hammiedb (based upon FROM address, with a check to 
make sure ip address of sender is local--not bulletproof, but better 
than nothing)

* an 'account' for all users of the system (recipe/maillet would have to 
check for user's existence and passthru/discard/route to admin if not found)

* at least 70+GB (7000 * 10MB) of diskspace for hammiedbs (with a 
mechanism to tell when hammiedbs are getting too big, etc.)

whew! and that is just 5 minutes worth of consideration! :)


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