[Spambayes] Training corrupts mbox files

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu May 1 13:21:05 EDT 2003

    Toby> fwiw, I stopped using mboxtrain and its incremental mode in favor
    Toby> of hammie, and always doing a full train on whole mailboxes. Its
    Toby> not significantly slower.

How big are your mailboxes?  I have about 12,000 hams and 7,000 spams in my
training sets, so I generally avoid full retrains. 

I'm considering a somewhat different procmail-based setup for some other
people, however, in which they would have three email addresses,
foo at somewhere, foo+spam at somewhere and foo+ham at somewhere.  The last two would
(obviously) be for training.  My thought was to simply have the training
aliases append to mbox files and run mboxtrain from cron periodically.  I'd
logrotate the training files to keep the number of files and their sizes to
a minimum.

Someone else must already be doing something like this.  Care to share?


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