[Spambayes] Error on proxy connection & smtp proxy doesn't seespam

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu May 1 18:37:50 EDT 2003

> > I tried to "train" sb by sending spam to spam at spam. This 
> > seemed to go OK,
> > but when I go to the web page the "Review Messages" shows no 
> > untrained messages.
> > How do these training messages show up?
> They simply are used to train your database, then discarded.  
> The Review Messages page is used for messages that the pop3proxy

The more I think about it, the more I think that smtpproxy should have
two modes.

What it does now is look for a spambayes id in message.  It uses that id
to extract the correct message from the pop3proxy cache, and trains on
it.  The idea behind this is that this avoids training on any mangling
that the mailer might have done to the message to train.

(So in this case, the message should show up in "Review Messages", but
if it wasn't a message that pop3proxy had filtered, then it won't show
up, or, in fact, be trained).

I think smtpproxy should also be able to simply train on whatever it is
sent.  Those that don't use pop3proxy, or those that are confident that
their mailer will send an exact copy onwards, could use it in this
fashion.  (It could possibly add the message to the pop3proxy cache for
web ui review if it wasn't there).


=Tony Meyer

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