[Spambayes] Latest spammer trick stymied

bill parducci bill at parducci.net
Mon Mar 31 16:36:48 EST 2003

Mark Hammond wrote:

> Could you not do the same thing today, by sending out a HTML email
> referencing some images from the server you want to attack?  Given the
> number of mail clients out there that will fetch these images (using their
> mailers default settings), I would expect this to remain a far more
> effective attack than the one you propose.

yes, that would DoS the [http] target, but one could DoS the [mail] 
recipient's system by sending multiple messages linking to a site that 
is overloaded (or intentionally slow) so that the [blocking] 'slurp' 
event clogs up the mail processing flow.

it's just a matter of whom you wish to annoy. :o)


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