[Spambayes] Outlook addin delay in updating and resetting unread

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore at atosorigin.com
Wed Mar 19 17:33:35 EST 2003

From: David Bolen [mailto:db3l at fitlinxx.com]
> It seems clear that this is some latency issue with Outlook
> updating the status of a message - it's not clear if resetting
> the read bit is because the delayed status includes an explicit
> unread bit, or if outlook is just refreshing the status of the
> message as of the delayed update.

I've seen this problem as well, also on an Exchange server. I'm
quite a way behind on releases (haven't updated from CVS for a
few weeks), so it's not a new thing.

For me, it's always been pretty random (as far as I've been able
to tell) so I've never been able to offer much to go on. But yes,
it's irritating.

I've not heard anyone hitting this except on Exchange, so maybe
it's an issue with how Outlook interacts with Exchange rather than
a pure Outlook issue...?


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