[Spambayes] SpamBayes lost it all

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Jun 19 13:20:11 EDT 2003

> Then we had a power outage and I shut down my PC without 
> exiting outlook first, and when I started it back up, 
> SpamBayes was as ignorant as a newborn babe.  It had lost the 
> settings for filter directories, and it had no training any 
> longer. I don't know where all that went, but it acted as it 
> did the first time I installed it prior to training and setup.
> Why did it forget all the setups, and how can I protect 
> myself from this in the future?

The current release of the binary only saves the database and
configuration settings when Outlook is (correctly) shut down.  Because
Outlook was not shut down, it didn't save it.  To protect yourself
against this, close outlook down (fully - check the task manager) after
you have set it and trained.

The next release of the plugin fixes this problem (it saves as needed).
This is due out real soon now, so if you get that when it is available,
this will also solve the problem.

=Tony Meyer

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