[Spambayes] Spambayes and AVG virus catcher

Greg Thomas Greg at TheThomasHome.co.uk
Mon Jun 9 11:30:25 EDT 2003

On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 10:30:38 -0400, you wrote:

> Has anyone got any information or a solution to this?

FWIW, Spambayes gave me great grief with VirusScan. I thought at first
that Spambayes was just very CPU intensive, until I noticed that is
was VirusScan that was chewing up all the CPU. I guess Spambayes is
just very generous with it's I/O usage :-)

As a work around, I told VirusScan to ignore the Spambayes folder.
This isn't a problem, as it's only a proxy so any viruses will be
caught when the email client writes them to disk.


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