[Spambayes] bug

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry shalehperry at comcast.net
Sat Jul 26 10:00:04 EDT 2003

On Saturday 26 July 2003 08:41, Fredrik wrote:
> I get these wierdo-spams every once in a while and Spambayes pop3-proxy
> cant handle it. Full mail with headers:

Yeah, it has been submitted (see the sourceforge bug list).  This is the ONLY 
spam I get now, and I get a fair amount (5+ a day) of it.

> X-Spambayes-Exception: exceptions.UnicodeError(ASCII decoding error:
> ordinal not in range(128)) in append() at
>          /usr/local/lib/python2.2/email/Header.py line 272: ustr =
>          unicode(s, incodec, errors)

basically it tries to read the header as standard ASCII instead of 8bit.  
Which is the right thing to do, until it isn't (-:

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