[Spambayes] Integration on MX server with postfix

Jonathan St-Andre jstandre at sympatico.ca
Fri Jul 25 15:38:04 EDT 2003


This is just to let you know that it's been successfully integrated in my company's email setup. Using spambayes-1.0a4.

It has been installed on one of our MX (running postfix) and is filtering all inbound emails for the whole company (~1000 employees, ~35000 incoming emails daily). The server is a dual PIII 933MHz with 512MB of memory and the load is pretty low (it's almost overkill).

According to the feedback I received from our users, it seems that it tags approximately 90% (for some it goes up to 95%) of the spam correctly. The rest of the spam is tagged as unsure. No false positives. The filter hasn't received too much spam training either, yet. Efficiency has been improving slowly, as we keep training it.

Here's a quick howto:

Create the DB by training with a mailbox of ham and a mailbox of spam. I put the DB in /var/spambayes/hammie.db (as a DBM store).

In master.cf, the smtp line has been changed for the following two lines:
smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
  -o content_filter=spambayes:
and the following two lines were added at the end of the file:
spambayes unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  user=nobody argv=/usr/local/bin/hammiewrapper.sh $sender $recipient

Here's what the hammiewrapper.sh file looks like:
/usr/bin/hammiefilter.py -d /var/spambayes/hammie.db -f | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f $*

Just thought I'd let you know how I installed it server-side and thank you for the good work.

	Jonathan St-Andre
	jstandre at sympatico.ca

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