[Spambayes] RE: Spambayes not setting msgs to read

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Thu Jul 24 20:46:46 EDT 2003

> I located the html file which instructed me to add certain 
> entries to my INI
> file to enable setting the read status when marking email as spam.
> However, it still does not change an unread msg to read when 
> I move it to the spam folder.

How are you moving it?  With the delete as spam button, or dragging it?
If you're dragging it then SpamBayes doesn't mark it as read.  (Whether
it *should* or not is another issue which Mark would be the one to
answer).  If you are using the button then it should be marked as read -
if it isn't, then you probably need to go through the filing a bug
report business & attaching your log.  (However, see below).

> And, as I wrote the list, Spambayes now does not seems to 
> save its settings and when I exit and restart Outlook,
> Spambayes has to be re-configured to enable and start filtering.

Your log file would probably provide the necessary clues here.  I
suspect that something in the config file is now invalid and so it isn't
being loaded.  If it continually happens it might be that the file is
being updated, but not corrected.  Then again, I note that there have
been a few bug reports lately about config files not saving - I haven't
been paying enough attention to these to say what the answer is, is
there is one (take a look at the reported bugs on sourceforge).  You
could also try deleting the config file and letting Outlook create it
from scratch.

> PS - does it matter if there is a space between the colon and 
> the setting?  
> For example, "enabled:True" or "enabled: True"

No, it makes no difference at all.  "enabled = True" would also work.

=Tony Meyer

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