[Spambayes] Maildir fix.

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Wed Jul 23 21:42:36 EDT 2003

> Using mboxtrain on maildir mailboxes breaks.  My Maildir 
> mailboxes look like: 'box/cur', 'box/new', and 'box/tmp'.
> If I train on 'box/' (as in mboxtrain.py -d .hammiedb -g 
> Maildir/box/), it fails because it tries to make temporary
> files in box/cur/tmp/ instead of box/tmp/.  The attached
> patch fixes the problem.  This is against 1.0a4.

Thanks very much for this.  We'd already had this reported - a patch was
checked in a week or so back.

mboxtrain v1.17 (09/07/03) fixes this.  You can keep using the patched
version you've made, or drop the latest version from cvs, whichever
suits you.  This will make it into the next source release.

=Tony Meyer

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