[Spambayes] Filtering non-mail items: seems like a good idea

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Wed Jul 23 12:01:08 EDT 2003

> I don't think I have ever seen a spam in this format, in all 
> the years I have been watching spam. You don't think the 
> spammers are reading the spambayes list, do you?
> The significant changes:
> ...
>     * Non-mail items (such as non-delivery reports, meeting 
> requests) should not be filtered.

I should have been clearer.

NDRs from *external* sources are still simply mail items, and are still
scored for spam in the normal way.  The NDR I am referring to are ones
generated by an Exchange Server.  In that case, the mail never left the
system.  Bounce reports from internet mail servers should still be processed

Meeting requests are similar - ones that move over the internet are "normal"
messages, and scored.  Ones moving over an exchange server network only are

If an item has a Spam score, it has been processed.  Messages that are
skipped will have no score at all.

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