[Spambayes] Should outlook only process unread items?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Tue Jul 22 14:59:44 EDT 2003

[Mark Hammond]
> I have an interesting situation.  A client of mine sent me a
> forwarded spam email he received, for legitimate reasons that have
> nothing to do with SpamBayes.
> I tried to save the message to my Inbox so I could check out how this
> other (non-spam related) project deals with the mail.  But as soon as
> my inbox saw it, SpamBayes promptly moved the message to my "Spam"
> folder!  Apart from the fact that the spam is now lost in this folder
> of crap,

Sort it by time received <wink>.

> any attempt of mine to recover from the spam folder will
> cause spambayes to train as ham -  *not* what I want in this case.

a) You could drag the message from the spam folder into some folder
   spambayes isn't watching.

b) You could (presumably temporarily) uncheck the "Automatically
   train that a message is good when it is moved from a spam
   folder ..." option in the manager dialog, then move the msg back\
   to your inbox.

> It occurs to me that SpamBayes should only automatically filter
> *unread* items appearing in the inbox (but training operations would
> work on any). Assuming a spammer can't trick Outlook into getting new
> spam as unread,

> I can't see too many issues.  I could also make it an option.
> Any thoughts?

I'm pretty much neutral.  It's easy to worry that the UI gets too DWIM to be
predictable.  It's also easy to sell the idea that once a thing has been
marked read, the user is explicitly happy with its then-current
classification.  It's all in how you sell it <wink>.

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