[Spambayes] 1.0a4 Problems

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sat Jul 19 17:00:10 EDT 2003

    Skip> In general, get pybsddb (from SourceForge, I think), wipe out your
    Skip> existing training database and start over.

I forgot to mention that you need the underlying library from Sleepycat as
well.  Get the latest version in the 4.1 series.

Python 2.3 went to release candidate 1 yesterday.  The final release should
occur in another week or 10 days.  If you go that route, you won't need to
pick up pybsddb, since it's now distributed with Python.

So, here are two paths:

    1. Using your existing Python installation:

        A. Get and install Berkeley DB 4.1.N (N==25 at the moment I believe)
           from Sleepycat.

        B. Get and install the most recent version of PyBSDDB from

        C. Zap your existing, corrupt, database and retrain.

    2. Using Python 2.3c1 (or 2.3 final in a few days)

        A. Get and install Berkeley DB 4.1.N from Sleepycat.

        B. Get and install Python 2.3 from www.python.org.

        C. Zap your existing, corrupt, database and retrain.


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