[spambayes-dev] RE: [Spambayes] Question

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Fri Jul 11 08:53:03 EDT 2003

    >> Any objection if I "mirror" the troubleshooting page on the website?

    Tony> I put a link to the cvs version on the doc page (and the 'about'
    Tony> page, but not the configuration one), but it would be better if
    Tony> someone (i.e.  you ;) took the time to put a 'proper' version
    Tony> there...

Hmmm...  I don't really want to duplicate Mark's effort, and if separated,
the two versions will eventually get out-of-sync.  I think your compromise
is the best for the time being, though it would be nice to have a local copy
which doesn't rely on the vagaries of SF CVS.  I added a link to it from the
FAQ in the first question about the Outlook Plugin.


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