[Spambayes] MAPI error prevents message scanning

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Thu Jul 10 17:02:41 EDT 2003

[Patrick Frazer]
> I’m using SpamBayes 1.0a4 (source version) with Outlook 2000 on WinXP.
> Occasionally, a spam will drop into my inbox and won’t get classified
> properly.

Not properly, or not at all?

> (Performing a manual filter on the inbox will classify it as spam)

Closing and restarting Outlook should also get it scored, if it wasn't
scored at all.

> When this occurs, the log file contains an entry that looks
> like this:
> Unexpected MAPI error opening message
> Exception 0x800ccc19 (OLE error 0x800ccc19): OLE error 0x800ccc19
> The key piece of information is probably that my inbox is on an IMAP
> server. Most of the time this occurs is when I have a message
> composition window open or I’m manipulating messages in some way.
> (moving to other folders, etc.)  The OLE exception is always the
> same: 0x800ccc19.

Googling on 0x800ccc19 turns up a few hundred hits, consistently saying it's
a timeout error.  If so, perhaps your foreground activities are starving
some of Outlook's threads (e.g., my OL2K is running 16 threads as I type
this), and the thread running spambayes times out due to lack of cycles to
read a new msg.

> I’d like to determine if this exception could be handled more
> gracefully, perhaps even retrying if the conditions surrounding the
> exception are transient.

I'm afraid poke and hope is the only approach.  There isn't sufficient
Outlook documentation to out-think much of anything in advance, and the
Outlook source code is closed so we can't look at that either.

> ...
> Does this issue merit the submission of a bug report on SourceForge?

A bug report with "0x800ccc19" in the title is the best way to ensure the
info isn't lost forever, and immediately so <wink>.

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