[Spambayes] Bug report, feedback

webmaster at apromotionguide.com webmaster at apromotionguide.com
Thu Jul 10 18:47:50 EDT 2003


First of all, congratulations on an excellent program. I've been testing
Spambayes for a while and have found it to do an amazingly accurate job in
filtering spam. It does occasionally let a spam or two get past it, but
catches most and as of yet, has never misidentified a "ham" message to be

Today though, the program apparently self-destructed :). My computer
(Win98 SE) had been up for a long time and had, of course, slowly become
somewhat unstable, so I decided on a reboot. I shut down Spambayes from
the Web interface, but it ended with an error which I unfortunately was
not able to catch. Thinking it was nothing, I killed all of my programs
including the Python interpreter and shut down the computer.

The next boot failed with a lot of those annoying "program has performed
an illegal function and will be terminated"-windows coming up for all of
the programs that attempted to start when the machine boots. I had to do a
reset, after which everything came up fine.. except Spambayes. What
happens is when I command:

c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\pop3proxy.py -b

(I'm using PythonWin 2.2.3, with Mark Hammond's win32all build 152, with
Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1106, hence the Pop3proxy)

I get:


Loading database...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\pop3proxy.py", line 777, in ?
  File "c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\pop3proxy.py", line 752, in run
  File "c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\pop3proxy.py", line 594, in
    self.bayes = storage.DBDictClassifier(filename)
  File "c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\spambayes\storage.py", line 147, in
  File "c:\ohjelmatiedostot\spambayes\spambayes\storage.py", line 159, in
    t = self.db[self.statekey]
  File "C:\OHJELMATIEDOSTOT\PYTHON22\lib\shelve.py", line 71, in __getitem__
    return Unpickler(f).load()
Exception exceptions.AttributeError: "'NoneType' object has no attribute
" in <bound method _Database.__del__ of <dumbdbm._Database instance at
0>> ignored


Now, that doesn't tell me much, but it might to you :). I assume my
Spambayes database got corrupted at some point and thus, I'm probably
going to reinstall it from scratch. So, I don't really need help or want
to complain, but thought that this report might perhaps help you in
developing the program. My configuration is as above, the Spambayes
version was the Alpha3 (updated to Alpha4 after the error first appeared,
but that made no difference - I guess it was too late then).

Good luck with the development!

Lauri Harpf

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