[Spambayes] SpamBayes-1.0a4 Released

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Jul 7 01:24:57 EDT 2003

[Tony Meyer]
>>  o A new stripper to squash yet another way of hiding content in
>>    HTML spam, like Erections to hide
>>    Erections.

> Is this how this came out for everyone?  (i.e. without any html tags?)
> If so, stupid Outlook must have taken my plain text message and
> stripped the html tags for me...how considerate and annoying.  (Why do
> programmers always think they know more than the user?)
> The "like Erections to hide Erections" bit should have some iframe
> tags around the first "Erections".

It came out that way for me, but I'm also using Outlook.  I'll try it again

    like <noframes>Erections</noframes> to hide Erections

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