[Spambayes] corrupt database bug

Meyer, Tony T.A.Meyer at massey.ac.nz
Tue Jul 1 13:40:53 EDT 2003

> My computer shut off over the weekend due to a power outage, 
> and this morning I found 3800 untested new emails in my 
> inbox.  Filtering was off and it claimed to have no database 
> so I had to retrain it.

This part of the log gives it away:

Bayes database initialized with 0 spam and 0 good messages
*** - message database has 614 messages - bayes has 0 - something is

What has happened is that the message database, which keeps track of
which messages spambayes has seen, has been saved (or at least partially
saved), but the 'bayes' database that keeps track of the message tokens
has not.

The only solution is to retrain from scratch as you did.  The next
release saves the databases at better times, so should avoid this
problem, as long as the power outage was not at a time when the save was
taking place.

Note that you can make a backup of the databases and drop them back in
if things like this happen and you would rather not keep a collection of
mail to retrain with.  Messages with details about how to do this were
recently posted on the list.

=Tony Meyer

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