[Spambayes] Promoting Spambayes (was Re: FYI: Javaimplementation)

G. Armour Van Horn vanhorn at whidbey.com
Tue Jan 21 12:12:28 EST 2003

You used the past tense there, is this really in Spam Assassin now? I just
upgraded SA last week and didn't notice any references to a Spambayesian
filter and would dearly love to turn it on if it's in there somewhere.


Justin Mason wrote:

> Neil Schemenauer said:
> > Matt Sergeant wrote:
> > > Mozilla and SpamAssassin both copy their bayesian code from spambayes
> > > (including tokenisation ideas and combiners).
> >
> > I, for one, am extremely pleased to hear that.  It would be a shame if
> > people kept using Paul Graham's original algorithm after all the work
> > that was put in improving Spambayes.  Despite what was said at the spam
> > conference, I think the algorithm is important.
> BTW it's worth noting we didn't just "nab" the ideas ;) Instead I
> reimplemented based on descriptions, running a cross-validation test each
> time, and threw in a few tokenization ideas of our own.  In most cases the
> results indicated that SpamBayes' techniques are the most effective --
> there were a few extras, like SpamAssassin tokenizing some headers that SB
> doesn't (From etc.), and different S and X values, but for the most part
> they're effectively the same.
> The nice thing is that it means those techniques have been independently
> verified by 2 parties -- in other words, a scientific process ;)
> --j.
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