[Spambayes] Other pop3proxy options

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim at fourstonesExpressions.com
Wed Feb 19 22:28:04 EST 2003

2/19/2003 6:58:45 PM, Neale Pickett <neale at woozle.org> wrote:

>Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions <tim at fourstonesExpressions.com> writes:
>> Perhaps the solution to many problems is to provide a spambayes
>> mailer, with training, retraining, etc. etc. all built in, and provide
>> the proxy with necessarily limited function for those who don't wish
>> to use the spambayes mailer.
>I do *not* want to have to start writing an MUA.  And I doubt anyone
>else on this list does, either.  Writing an MUA is *hard*.  Just look at
>Microsoft, they're a huge company with nearly unlimited resources and
>even *they* can't get it right ;)

Ok, one more comment here... it is precisely *because* they have nearly 
unlimited resources that they can't get it right.  We would have a *much* 
better chance of getting it right, simply because we couldn't afford to not 
get it right.  Not that I want to do it, mind you, but u$0phhhht shouldn't be 
the reason NOT to...


c'est moi - TimS

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