[Spambayes] training WAS: aging information

D. R. Evans N7DR at arrisi.com
Tue Feb 18 08:12:20 EST 2003

On 17 Feb 2003 at 22:39, Tim Peters wrote:

> In real life, I'm not finding significant database growth over time
> simply because I do little training anymore.  If my database size were a

So this raises a question I've had for a few days, concerning the 
internals of spambayes.

I run in pop3proxy mode. The web page in that mode says that spambayes 
stores all my incoming mail. Presumably this means "we store it until 
you train on it" rather than "we store it for all time". I hope.

In any case, I'm trying to figure out whether it's possible to save 
myself the increasingly-annoying chore of going to the web interface 
and training spambayes at least once per day. Each time I do that, I 
have to wade through a sea of subject lines, trying to figure out which 
ones might have been misclassified. This is going to get old real fast 
(actually, it probably takes considerably more of my time than deleting 
the spam would have done). I'm obviously missing something very simple 
about how this is supposed to be used, I guess.

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