[Spambayes] Another Error on review page

David Shaw david at theresistance.net
Sat Feb 8 18:39:41 EST 2003

On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 12:21  PM, Tim Stone - Four Stones 
Expressions wrote:
>>> On a related note, I wonder if there would be benefit in storing in
>>> ZODB rather than straight DBM/pickles (ZODB can use bsddb3 or pickles
>>> as well).
> There have been endless debates on this and related subjects.  We're 
> all
> weary...

I apologize for beating a dead horse.  I read a couple of months worth 
of the archive when joining, but I've yet to read far enough back to 
see where this topic was discussed.

Thanks for checking in a fix -- I have a couple of others if you want 
'em, all related to the fact that MacOS X doesn't come with Python 2.3.

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