[Spambayes] SpamBayes Outlook Plug-in idea

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Sun Dec 21 00:12:57 EST 2003

[Jared Shockley]
> Great product. I tell everyone that I know that uses Outlook for
> e-mail to get this product. I hope that you keep it either free or a
> small registration fee.

Thanks, and rest assured it will always be free.  The SpamBayes license is
Open-Source certified, and that gives you many guarantees:


> On to things, I have a lot of rules that filter rules for the
> different lists that I am on as well as the moderator mails for those
> lists. As a moderator of one particular list, I get a bunch of spam
> there. Your add-in catches it. However, my rule moves it into the
> moderator folder even after your product gets it. I am using Windows
> XP Pro SP1, Outlook 2002/XP and SpamBayes is Binary Version 0.81. I
> wonder if there is a way to prevent this, either in the rules or in
> the SpamBayes system.

Add your moderator folder to the collection of folders SpamBayes watches,
and enable "background filtering" (on the Advanced tab of the SpamBayes
Manager) to try to convice Outlook to process its own rules *before*
SpamBayes scores a message.  I'm afraid that interaction with Outlook rules
is quite a mess, but the background filtering gimmick seems to work well in
practice for "almost everyone".  Your mileage may vary.

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