[Spambayes] SpamBayes for 500.000 users

Dreas van Donselaar dreas at emailaccount.nl
Tue Dec 16 15:38:12 EST 2003

Hi everyone :)


I am quite new here but have been following the current discussions with a
lot of interest. I actually have the plan to build a comprehensive anti-spam
solution (yes, yet another one) which will mainly work server-side. A
combination of the Cloudmark system (generating an unique ID per email ..
and matching the ID in the central database to test whether it has been
identified as spam before or not), Bayesian server-side and Bayesian user
side seems to be the ideal solution.


I am not a real technical person, and I will hire developers to build this,
but I was wondering whether Bayesian filtering will actually be useful if
there would be 500.000 using a central database server. Should the database
only store data for like 24 hour or would it make sense to keep it growing?
Would there actually be extra value by having so many (reporting) users?


I was wondering if you guys/girls could give me some things to think about
and maybe I can get some input about what has already been thought about by
others before :)


P.S. Yes I know I'll need huge server-capacity.



Dreas van Donselaar

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