[Spambayes] deleted file

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Dec 8 19:22:32 EST 2003

[Ok, now I've seen the reply to the one I just replied to, but I can use the
answer here ;)]

> Somehow, the junk email file was deleted.  I reinstalled the 
> program, and this didn't restore the file.  So I manually 
> restored it.  However, it still doesn't work, and I can't get 
> the program to reconfigure even tho I keep getting a message 
> that I need to reconfigure.  What do I do?

By "junk email file", I presume you mean the folder that Outlook was set to
move junk email to?  (If you mean the database where information about this
mail is kept, then you can just retrain).

You *should* be able to go to the SpamBayes dialog, then to the "Filtering"
tab and reselect the folder (it'll have "<unknown folder>" in it, most
likely).  I tried this here just now and it worked fine.

At most, if that doesn't work for some reason (I have vague recollections of
a bug about this, which may mean (since I'm running from the latest source)
that I'm using a fixed version), then you can just delete your configuration
file (named outlook.ini, or [profile name].ini) which is in your data
directory (the "Advanced" tab of the dialog will find this for you), and
this will reset your setup (but not any of your training).

=Tony Meyer

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